Home      Phidgity Panda Monium
Otto was sired by Ch/Ir Ch Phidgity Pitch Black JW ShCM and has his dads' gentle nature.  He could not be naughty if he tried! 
Otto qualified for his first Crufts every time out.
4 x BPIB out of 5 shows.
His success in Ireland at only 8 months:
Green Star Dog (7 points) - Killarney Ch Show
Res Green Star Dog - Limerick
Res Green Star Dog - Tralee
Other success:
Best puppy in breed - Belfast Ch Show
Northern Ireland Dalmatian Club Show - Best Brace in show (with his dad)
Cloghran Ch Show - Reserve Green Star (dad won Green Star)
Best Brace Dalmatian - City of Birmingham Ch Show and also 2nd in Utility Brace
Otto now lives in Dorset with Gitte who absolutely adores every inch of him.  He is now the one and only dog and is definately revelling in this situation.  We all miss him but know he's with the right person who loves him to bits.