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Edwin was our first Liver born in the same litter as Beatrice.  He never had the showing gene that she had but nonetheless gained a lot of admirers during his lifetime.  He did manage to get a few good wins including Reserve Green star as a puppy and also a Reserve Best Puppy In Show.  He also sired some lovely quality puppies; 2 puppies from different litters going on to win BPIS for their owners.
Edwin was very much a homebody who preferred his long walks in the country to the hustle and bustle of the showring so we retired him very quickly.  He was our first liver and we loved his character and nature.  Known amongst his fans as 'Eddible Edwin'!  He was a very gentle sweet tempered dog and impossible to replace.
Edwin died very unexpectedly in November 2005 and has been greatly missed by the whole family.